Christ’s College Gardens

Welcome to the Gardens.

We are lucky to have some beautiful gardens on our college site, which are perfect to relax and unwind in.

The Gardens include botanically important trees, shrubs, and borders, as well as sculptures and artwork. Our gardens comprises a series of courts, each with a different style of planting.

Usual Opening Times

The College: 9am – 4pm throughout the week
Fellows’ Garden: 9am – 4pm Monday to Friday

You can follow this garden plan.

First Court
This court, the oldest part of the College, was mainly built around 1505, and surrounds a circular lawn – the only one of its type in any Cambridge College.

Fellow's Garden - Picture with pretty orange flowers.
Christ’s College – Cambridge. Fellow’s Garden

Second Court
Second Court consists of formal lawns bordered by informal planting.

Third Court

The garden in Third Court has two botanical collections of Irises and Salvias.

The Fellow’s Garden

In 1825 this two-acre plot was redesigned with informal borders, shrubs, trees, and winding paths, reflecting the ideas of J.C. Loudon, whose intention was “to display the individual beauty of trees, shrubs and plants in a state of nature.”

Darwin Garden

The Darwin garden displays a selection of plants that Charles Darwin (alumni of the College) would have encountered during his voyage on the HMS Beagle. It also showcases a bronze sculpture of Darwin by Anthony Smith.


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